Joe DiMaggio

Joltin’ Joe Books

What’s that you say Mrs. Robinson, Joltin’ Joe has left and gone away… hey, hey hey. Known equally as well for his tabloid relationship with Marilyn as the number 56, DiMaggio entered the pop culture realm in a way few other ballplayers were able to replicate. A polarizing figure, fueled by his quiet, often considered cold personality, DiMaggio was a man thrust into a national spotlight he may never have quite felt comfortable in. But when in the confines of Yankee Stadium, no one could have felt more at home. He won the World Series in 69% (9/13 seasons) in which he played, won 3 MVPs; dethroning .400 and Ted Williams in 1941 (simple math suggests that 56 > .400). Regardless of what your opinion of DiMaggio may be, the books below will certainly help to confirm or change your opinion, and perhaps convince you to keep an open mind about one of the greatest center fielders of all time.

Dinner with DiMaggio: Memories of An American Hero by Dr. Rock Positano, John Positano

Joe DiMaggio: The Hero’s Life by Richard Ben Cramer

56: Joe DiMaggio and the Last Magic Number in Sportss by Kostya Kennedy

Streak: Joe DiMaggio and the Summer of ’41 by Michael Seidel

Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?: The Story of America’s Last Hero by Maury Allen

Joe and Marilyn

Joe DiMaggio: The Long Vigil by Jerome Charyn

Marilyn Monroe & Joe DiMaggio – Love In Japan, Korea & Beyond by Jennifer Jean Miller

Special Collections

The DiMaggio Albums by Joe DiMaggio

I Remember Joe Dimaggio: Personal Memories of the Yankee Clipper by the People Who Knew Him Best by David Cataneo

For Youngsters

Becoming Joe DiMaggio by Maria Testa

The Streak: How Joe DiMaggio Became America’s Hero by Barb Rosenstock

The Unforgettable Season: Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams and the Record-Setting Summer of1941 by Phil Bildner

Joe DiMaggio: Young Sports Hero by Herb Dunn